Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hachioji Tap Water  八王子水再生センター


The reason I post this information is not to scare you, but to make you aware that we must be cautious. Japan's government has the mentality of "every man for yourself!" So you must arm yourself with knowledge of how to take care of your health!

This site is in Japanese. 日本語はここでクリック、英語の下手な翻訳はこの下です。


Rough translation is as follows: 2011.5.30 22:28
On May 30, In Hachioji, Tokyo, the sludge ash of Kitano city's sewage measured radiation levels at 7910 Becquerel per kilogram of radioactive cesium 137 was detected. Also at the spatial processing plant which is 1 meter above ground, the measurements were 7100 Becquerel for radioactive Cs 134, resulting in an average hourly dose of 0.10 microsieverts.

On the 19th, an announcement from the Komiya-cho's Water Reclamation Center was reported at 2890 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium 137, also detected was 2380 becquerels of cesium 134.

The reason for this difference is that the majority of the water that comes through Kitano's center is a confluence of rainwater and home sewage. Hachioji's center only processes sewage water from homes.

Hachioji City in the future will have to be regularly inspected about once a week.

There is a good video - the purpose of this is to be scary!

Thyroid Cancer in Chernobyl - 20,000 cases!
40% of Europe is still radioactive! Turkish crops are toxic!
"It's nothing compared to what is happening now" this was said at the start of the events at Fukushima.

250 Kilos of Plutonium in each reactor.
Hypothetically, it takes 1 pound to give everyone on Earth Cancer.

Download the Report she's talking about here for Free!


日本の政府はどれほど民衆のために動いてるの?あんまり動いてませんと思います! 原発のサポーターを最初にしてるね!
Here's more about how the Japanese government is "in bed" with the Pro-Nuclear power stakeholders. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,764907,00.html

でもみなは納得してません! 5月29日にはんたい運動がありました!

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